The Institute of Neurosurgery and Spinal
Department was found in 1950. Actually it was transformed
from Kiev Institute of Psychoneurology.
The first director and founder of Institute
neurosurgery was a follower of Prof. Burdenko the Prof. Arutunov
A.I. whose leadership Institute was working during 1950-1964
years. The Institute was found as a complex of clinical and
scientific departments.
During the 1964-1993 years the director
of Institute was Prof. Romodanow A.P. whose name Institute
received lately.
Beginning since 1993 the director of Institute
is Academician Pro. Zozulya Y.P.
The Institute is famous of it’s outstanding
surgeons: Prof. Arutunov A.I., Prof. Romodanov A.P., Tananaiko
P.G., M.D., Pronselev O.I., Crister O.I., Finselberg J.I.,
Prof. Virozub I.D., Prof. Pelts B.J., Prof. Stanislavsky V.G.,
Prof. Pelech L.E., Ryabokon N.C., Andreiko R.L.. In Institute
was working excellent neurologists: Prof. Dinaburg A.D., Prof.
Duchin A.L., Gluchkova I.S., Brotman M.K., psychiatrists:
Prof. Abashew-Konstantinowsky A.L., Dsewaltowska A.G., morphologists:
Prof. Chominsky B.S., Kavitnitski-Rishow U.M..
During it’s development Institute explored
brood spectrum neurosurgical problems, developed excellent
and outstanding neurosurgical technique, and invited many
equipment for neurosurgery.